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the Rakshasa-Gana

by Piyusha Pushp

author piyusha pushp
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The Author

Piyusha is a Masters in Bio-Chemistry and is passionate about teaching Physics & Chemistry. She is excited about reading, researching, and developing utilitarian practices from the Sanatana literature. She is also a fitness freak and passionate about Yoga.

She’s a positive-minded person who believes in strong  value systems imparted by her parents. She is passionately associated with NGOs that support a chain of orphanages and old-age homes. 

Piyusha is married to Pankaj Lochan, who is an author of several management books and other literature.

piyusha pushp

The Book

The CLOWN is a sequel to “SIGMA, as life sums it all” by Pankaj Lochan and the second part of the Karmic Short-stories Trilogy by the husband-wife author duo. 

The stories in the trilogy are inspired by true people & events of their  life. The book is also about Sanatana, the fountainhead of ancient Indian wisdom and explores deeper layers of the belief system with a lens of human nature, its impact on the social ecosystem and how it may be course-corrected. The 3 books in the trilogy are based on the three Ganas – Rakshasa, Manushya and Deva. 

The CLOWN is about the Rakshasa-gana.

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